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How The Knights of Calypso was born

A Long time Ago in a not so far off land of Calypso....

When armor equipping decay was unheard of and selling sweat for 1 pec a bottle was plentiful. Their was a brave noob named Thaddeuss......

Thaddeuss emerged from the Imperial Calypso Colony Dropship into the fresh open air of Eudoria on October 22, 2006 just inside the Port Atlantis city boundaries. Their he stood on the tarmac slowly taking in all the wondrous sights to be seen. Spaceships, strange creatures, and unfamiliar environment all of it so wondrous and yet overwhelming all at once. 

Thaddeuss was anxious to wander around exploring these new lands he would come to love and call home. But before he was able to do very much at all, their approached a man who Thadd noticed standing off to the side of the ship watching him quite intently. As Thaddeuss was the curious type he accepted the mans invite to chat, soon to find out this man was Leader of a Society and offered Thadd to join his society for some beginner help. As Thadd was new to the game and was desperate for some help in learning all the new controls and functions, he accepted the mans offer of help graciously. 

This new found friend brought Thaddeuss to swamp camp told him how to sweat and then was off without another word...

A couple days later Thadd was running about swamp camp sweating animals while trying to stay alive at the same time. When he came upon another man from the same society. 

Thaddeuss excitedly yelled out "HI!" in the society channel but with no response back to him from this other member. He then yelled again "Hi purple dot!", and still nothing, the member didn't respond and disappeared of radar moments later.
After a few more days of wandering around exploring Thaddeuss soon came to realize their was never anyone answering his questions or his please for help on the society channel. He started to wonder to himself; What are these society groups for if no one will help or even talk to each other?

As Thadd stood their in his O.J's pondering this thought, his Leader suddenly appeared in front of him.....

"Thaddeuss! I have been looking for you. It is time to pay your society fee's." The leader says to him.
"Society fee's? You never said anything about this when i joined? I have all but 5 Peds that i have earned sweating." Says Thadd
"That will do for now Thadd, I expect the rest by the end of the week or you will be kicked from the soc!"

As Thadd accepted his leaders trade invite and handed over the 5 peds he had worked so hard to earn. Something clicked in his mind. 
Thadd quickly canceled the trade and said to his leader, 
"You know what man! I'm not giving you a single pec! you haven't helped in any of my times of need, nor have i yet to get a single reply back on any question i ever asked in the soc chat! So i Quit Your stupid Soc Bud!"

"Fine!" says the leader "Good luck getting anyone to teach and help ya for free!"

Thadd was lost and alone.. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't join another soc in fear of them doing the same thing to him, and he couldn't learn the game all on his own, their was way too much, he felt utterly hopeless. 

And then all of a sudden it came to him. He would make his own society called The Knights of Calypso! A community of honest, caring members willing to help each other anyway they can and learn the game together teaching each other the small bits of knowledge each came across on their travels. 

..and one day when Thadd and his fellow knights had learned all they could and got their share of time in under their belts. maybe just maybe they could recruit new players into TKoC to protect them from the scammer society's and pass their vast knowledge on to them.

And So The Knights of Calypso Were Born and their quest for greatness has begun and continues to this day.....


-Thaddeuss Thad Scotsman (Founder of TKoC)

How The Knights of Calypso became known as 

The Knights of Entropia

Imagine for a minute, that it's 2006 and you are playing Entropia Universe. Imagine how different things were back then. A single planet, Calypso, made up our entire known universe.

Flash forward to 2013, we have 5 planets in our growing universe. Rocktropia, Next Island, Arkadia, Cyrene and of course, our beloved Calypso. A lot has changed in the past 7 years and a lot more change is going to come. Our Universe has evolved.

The Knights of Calypso were founded back in the early days when there was only one planet to explore. We were founded by a great knight, Thad Thaddeuss Scotsman. He gave freely of his time and experience and built a society of like-minded, honest Entropians to help those just starting out in our world.

Like our universe, our society is beginning an evolution of it's own. We recently held a vote to see how the membership felt about changing our name. Long story made short, the vote passed and we have initiated the name change process and in another 4 days this should be completed.

The Knights of Entropia, TKoE for short, will be the same great society it has always been. We will be there to help new players find their way not only on Calypso, but on every planet we travel too!


Going forward we will be looking to continue our growth and evolution to keep pace with the changes being made across EU. We will be kicking off a fresh recruitment drive once the name change has been completed. Over the coming weeks, our Colonels have been asked to go over our current rules and policies and re-evaluate what parts to keep and maybe what parts need to be changed.

We have always been known for helping the new player and it will always be an integral part of what we do. In the future, I hope to see more effort being placed on attracting and retaining more developed players.

I am also hopeful that we are able to find a way to adjust our strict policies on PVP, PK and Pirating. These activities are an acceptable part of EU. As such, I'm hoping we can find a way to make it acceptable within our growing society. These changes will take some time to consider and will not happen overnight.

I would like to thank all the Colonels of our soc - The Colonels are the governing body (formerly known as the counsil) Hamish BadWolf Carstairs, Angus Mac MacAlisdair, Malgomaj Malgo Spiff, Drake Quattros Tarmo, Art Ludgren, Arageo Smurf Turrak, Shell zealousquiche Bell, Ivan IronFist Draguv.

When you see a Knight, you're looking at a friend. Good Luck out there and don't forget to say hi!


-Xander Zan Catman (Current General of TKoE)

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