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Sholle Von Cartiz

Let's Talk


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    Born on Calypso in 2011, as a new comer and as non depositor I was lost on big and vast planet trying to discover new areas, new lands, new adventures... After initial exploration of planet all is good and interesting, this planet has many opportunities to offer. Hunting wildlife for rewards and trading hunting loot with people who need it for their own business, or using loot for crafting useful stuff to trade with other people. It seems almost everything on this planet has its purpose, so I was already started to forge plans for my economic progress on this world while meeting other colonists who share same agenda. And upon my journey I meet interesting people, indeed, few of them were bad but most of them were willing to help.


   After a while I join TKoE, society with motto of helping others and believing in greater good. In next few years I learn what honor stand for is in this game, what means to help others and managed to advance and raise to rank of Colonel. All together we were helping each other and newcomers to overcome hardships of life on Calypso, protecting planet and its colonists from all threats. Robotic invasion has been halted and while scientist struggling to discover means to strengthen planet defenses and hopefully send fight to robots domain I had enough time to develop my business network on Calypso to a higher level.  


   After two years on this world I decided that is time so expand my adventures and I start my journey in space visiting all planets and asteroids with a mission to help others, to discover new adventures, to have fun and to meet good people and make friends. After a while I landed on Arkadia, one of six big planets that are in Entropia Universe. The planet itself was real jewel in this part of Universe. It was love on first sight. Unfortunately, after brief learning about arkadian history I found out that ancient arkadian society was destroyed by Oratan invaders. When humans came to aid, answering S.O.S. signal Arkadians are already perished. All was left infinite numbers of Oratan hordes roaming the planet surface in the never-ending quest to plunder planets resources and kill all intelligent life. Ancient Arkadians was peaceful society, devoted to gaining knowledge and live in harmony with their planet. It kind makes me sad that they are no more and fueled me with rage and I join other colonists and soldiers in their war efforts against Oratan.  


   So far our cities are safe, but who knows what new dangers future holds for our planet. With each passing day we discover new things about Arkadia and planet population grows in numbers making for everyone easier more friends to find, trade and to help. In present I am hired miner and occasionally hunter, also I enjoy organizing events for all good people that are willing to join and have fun.


   And remember, play for fun and rest will come by itself. Wish you all to have FUN and HoF well


P.S. Check my web maybe you find something interesting :)

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